wigs for cancer patients -Alana

Color Almond Breeze Amaretto & Cream Black Chocolate Caramel Chocolate Cherry Cinnamon Raisin Creamed Coffee Dark Blonde Dark Brown Dark Red Frosted Ginger Cream Golden Nutmeg Light Blonde Light Brown Lighter Red Medium Blonde Medium Brown Mocha Frost Sparkling Champagne Toasted Sesame Vanilla Butter
Size Average

This Long Layered lace front style offers soft lush curls for a glammed up appearance. The wave and curl pattern in this fashion look give the appearance of a more natural curl with movement. And with the lace front construction no one will have the slightest hint as to what you are wearing.

Brand: Envy
Cap Design: Lace Front
Collection: Lace Front
Available Sizes: Average
Product Type: Wig
Fiber Type: Synthetic
Density: Light/Medium

Lace Front
Not Heat Friendly

Crown: 11.5"
Side: 8"
Nape: 11.5"
Bang: 6.25"
Weight: 4.75 oz